Let's get a few things straight right out of the gate here, kiddies. All this hoopla over Kavanaugh's SCOTUS nomination and the accusations of sexual misconduct by him when he was a teenager were whipped up by the Democrats in order to derail his appointment to the Supreme Court. Period. That has to be stated up front. Because that's how partisan politics in America works (or doesn't work, actually). We have two huge political parties that are chocked full of spoiled, greedy, rich assholes and their number one priority in life is to help their party attain more wealth and more power in order further their idea of what America should be. Fuck all that greater good of mankind and enriching the lives of everyday American citizens. That's all bullshit to them. The name of the game is money and power. Always has been, always will be. They get away with it because America, as a society, is extremely apathetic and gullible; easily appeased by a few great speeches and a few extra bucks in a paycheck.
So if we just pause right now and take a moment to let that really sink in. This entire Senate Judiciary Committee hearing/circus was put on by the Democrats in order to derail Kavanaugh, NOT to find justice for Christine Blasey Ford or any other woman who has been a victim of a sexual assault. Neither side gives a flying fuck about Ford or her struggles or ordeals in life. This is not about justice, this is about money and power. Ford is a pawn in this game, as are all the people out there who identify with her. I guarantee you if Kavanaugh was a Democratic pick for the SCOTUS, the very same Democrats who are opposing and condemning him would be the ones vehemently supporting him while discrediting Ford. Again, this isn't about justice, this is about money and power.
Now let's move on to the allegations made by Ford against Kavanaugh. Let's start by agreeing that if we wanted to make this into an actual court case, we'd fail. There's absolutely zero evidence to back up Ford's claims against Kavanaugh. There's no DNA, no pictures, and no corroborating testimony from anyone who was actually there on the night in question. This certainly doesn't mean that it didn't happen the way Ford said it did, just that there's no evidence. Since, in a court of law, you're innocent until proven guilty, there's no way Kavanaugh would ever be found guilty. You can have as many Senate hearings and FBI investigations as you'd like, but it's not going to change the reality of the situation. Ford's accusation is just that; an accusation. So you either choose to believe her or not. For the record, I believe she's sincere in her testimony. I believe she believes what she is saying is true. I'll leave it at that. There are probably just as many people, 99% of Republicans for sure, that believe Ford is either lying or mistaken. So there you have it. We will probably never know the truth. All we can do is choose who to believe. Based on the performance of both Ford and Kavanaugh as they were testifying, I think Ford came off as a very credible witness. She was believable and sincere. Kavanaugh, on the other hand, did what lawyers do... he artfully dodged questions and gave very few direct answers. It seems to me that he's outright lying about his alcohol use in prep school and college and he just didn't seem very "judge-like" to me with how emotional he became at times. Of course, I'm not sure how I'd react if my reputation was being smeared and destroyed over an allegation that can't possibly ever be proven. I'm just calling them like I see them.
But again, none of what I think or what anyone else thinks about what occurred -or didn't occur- between Ford and Kavanaugh really makes a difference in this case. This is about money and power. The Republicans have the power here to close ranks and unite and vote in a Supreme Court justice that they want. One that they believe will further their agenda for decades to come. There's not a damn thing the Democrats or us ordinary citizens can do to stop that. The Republicans have more votes. End of story. I, personally, will be shocked if Kavanaugh does NOT end up a Supreme Court Justice.
You can go on and on about how appointing Kavanaugh is an injustice for women and assault victims, but will it be? Has this whole circus not had a positive effect of bringing the issue of sexual assault back to the forefront of our discussions? Has it not empowered many other women to come forward and tell their stories? Has it not spurred meaningful conversations and teachable moments between mothers and daughters and fathers and sons? YES! IT HAS! People have been enlightened. People have been provoked to think about this shit now! That's a good thing; regardless of what happens with Kavanaugh. Women have been enduring these types of injustices for far too long. Don't get me started about Bill Clinton, people. Or what about Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill. Were any of those situations fair? Did they end well from a justice perspective? NO! Why? Because, again, it wasn't about justice, it was politics and it was about money and power. That's all it's EVER about in politics. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.