Friday, July 31, 2015

This one's for you, Cecil.

Killing majestic, exotic, and (sometimes) endangered species just for the sake of gaining a "trophy" really pisses me off. We, as humans, reside at the top of the food chain. I consider that a privilege that comes with a lot of responsibility. We're charged with being stewards of the earth and all its natural resources and living creatures. Sadly, more often than not, shit-for-brains members of our species  do stupid things that serve no purpose but to destroy the earth and its inhabitants.  I place so-called "big game hunters" in this category.

First let's establish one thing: Big game hunting isn't "hunting", it's blood sport.  There's absolutely no good reason to go out and kill wild, exotic and (sometimes) endangered animals other than to have a dead animal's head hanging on your wall or a set of ivory letter openers on your desk. It seems the more exotic, majestic, and rare the animal is, the more determined a select group of dipshit humans is to kill it and turn it into a trophy or trinket. That's not hunting.  I'm sure it's therapeutic for individuals with small penises and/or too much time and money on their hands, but maybe put that money and time into therapy instead of picking up a weapon, eh? Go talk to a real hunter about how a good sized deer will feed his family for most of the winter -and about how very little of that kill goes to waste. 

There was a time not so very long ago, before big chain supermarkets and factory farms, that hunting kept food on the table and provided warm clothing.  We've all come a long way from our humble beginnings but I can't say that all the progress we've made has been good progress. It's sad that after all this time on the earth, some of us still haven't learned the value of life; not just human life, but ALL life and how it contributes to a delicate balance of nature all around us. Of the 44,838 species assessed worldwide, 905 are extinct and 16,928 are listed as threatened to be extinct. I'm confident that a large percentage of these extinct and threatened species have humans to thank for their situation.

I heard and read where a lot of people are quick to stick up for this piece of shit dentist that killed Cecil the Lion. Sure, he was just pursuing his passion... he didn't know the lion was protected... he trusted his African guides when they told him it was legal and permitted to kill the lion... blah, blah, blah.  Dude, you tortured (40 hours to track him once he was wounded with an arrow) and killed a fucking LION for no good reason other than to have his head mounted on your wall!! How can that be justified by ANY stretch of the imagination?!?  Furthermore, this asshole shows up in Zimbabwe flashing around $50,000 (more money than a lot of Zimbabweans will see in their entire lifetimes!) to kill a lion - you don't think some enterprising Zimbabwean isn't going to find him a lion to kill (legal or otherwise) come hell or high water?!  I don't buy ANY of this dentist's bullshit excuses or reasoning for killing this creature. He's obviously got some serious egotistical, emotional, or mental issues to even dare attempt to justify what he did. NO ONE should be taking down lions in Zimbabwe - NO ONE.  If anything, we should be helping the authorities there STOP the senseless poaching and killing. Once these animals are gone, they're GONE - FOREVER. A lot of people don't seem to get that.

This fucktard deserves all the scorn and outrage that he's currently getting - $50,000 dollars' worth and more. I hope he does get extradited back to Zimbabwe to answer to the authorities - and I hope he ends up paying $50,000 more in fines. Moreover, I wish they could somehow take away this guy's "hunting" rights FOREVER. That's not possible, I know, but it's obvious that he -and a bunch of his "big game hunter" friends- can't see anything wrong with what he did -other than trust the wrong people. He'll be back out there again soon with another majestic animal in his crosshairs.

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